Newark, Ohio
Commencement Number
June 1915

Alumni News:
Irene Turrus '11, and Nellie Ballou '12, have recently been initiated into the Phi Beta Kappas at Denison University.This is considered a great honor to be given anyone, since excellent grades are required before becoming a member.  We are very glad to know that Newark High School is represented so well. 

Miss Ballou has been further honored by being made an assistant teacher in the English department of Denison.  She is also a reporter on the Denisonian staff, and is on the literary committee of the Adytum, which is Denison's annual. 

Mrs. J. M. Knodle made a short visit in Newark recently.  She was formerly Miss Rata Johnson and was graduated with the class of '74.   She is now living in Illinois, where Mr. Knodle is in business. 

Ethel Deming, of the class of '08, is teaching a township school near Dayton, Ohio. 

Hazel Stevenson '14, has for the past year been training to become a nurse. 

Truesdale Stevens is associated with his father in the firm of Stevens & Son, automobile dealers of this city.  Their headquarters are in the new Masonic building. Mr. Stevens was the president of the class of 1911. 

Paul Rugg, who is carrying on his studies at Ohio Wesleyan has become a member of the Toastmasters' club at that University.  This is a club the majority of whose members are seniors and is for the purpose of learning to give after dinner talks.  This is an honor as well as of an educational value. 

Miss Edna Martin, who was graduated with the class of 1904, is an accomplished music teacher in this city.  She has attended the Faelton School of Music in Boston, Mass., and is now teaching the system in this school. 

Vera Deming, of the class of '12, has just graduated from the Nurses' Training School, which is in connection with Lakeside Hospital at Cleveland. 

Edward Kibler, Jr., '05, is successfully practicing law in this city.   He is associated with his father in the law firm of Kib­ler & Kibler. 

Miss Zoe Fulton, of the class of '97, is a vocalist of great worth.  She has appeared in opera several seasons and a short time ago gave a most excellent concert before the Women's Music Club of Newark.  Miss Fulton is at present in Pittsburg where she is teaching vocal music and is singing in one of the churches. 

Mr. Wright Wyeth, who was the president of the class of ’90 is at the head of the Wyeth Carriage Works in Newark.

Mary Hayman '12, is teaching in the public schools of Newark. 

Calvin Hazlett '13, is attending Denison University as a Sophomore. 

Adah Snelling '13, is a Sophomore at Ohio State University. 

Esther Kissane '12, is teaching in the public schools of this city. 

Owen Claytor ‘11, graduated this year from George Washington University at Washington, D. C., where he has been taking a course in dentistry. 

Sarah Walker '10 is a Senior at Denison University. 

Mrs. Lee Huff (Corinne Miller) of the class of '10, is now living in Louisville, Kentucky. 

Mr. Frank Webb of the class of 1900, is associated with the Norris Lumber Co. of this city. 

Mary Belle McClain '13, is attending Denison. 

Dr. Rollin Sook, Jr., who is a practicing physician in Newark, is a graduate of the class of 1909. 

Edytha Hall, who is the reporter for the society columns of the Newark American Tribune, graduated with the class of 1909.

At a recent meeting of the Alumni Association of Newark High School, officers were elected for next year.  These are: 

President - Dr. E. V. Prior '98.

Vice President - Mrs. Chas. Allen '91.
Corresponding Secretary - Mary Swin­gle '12.
Recording Sec'y - Esther Kissane '12.
Treasurer - Quincy Cheadle '12.
At this meeting the Association decided to hold all elections at the annual banquet.


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