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Miscellaneous Alexandria, Virginia Death Records 1912-1939

Extracted from City Books.  If there are clarifications about any record, please contact me. - - Marriage Search Engines - -

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NAME                          CAUSE OF DEATH                              DEATH DATE     PARENTS' NAMES                            AGE
====                          ==============                              ==========     ==============                            ===
Watkins, _____                Premature Birth                             11/10/1931     Benj. Watkins & Florence Pollard          2hrs
Watson, Ezell A.              Gunshot Wounds Homicide                     8/21/1917      W. A. Watson & Fanny Neal                 19y11m3d
Watson, Laura C.,             Ulcer of the Stomach                        5/24/1924      John. M. Wair                             92y
Watson, Sidney R.             Tuberculosis                                09/09/1932     T. R. Watson & Julia R. Callahan          23y21d
Watson, Thomas M.             Acute Bronchitis                            12/27/1934     Chas. A. Watson & Laura C. Ware           61y
Watson, William F.            Hemiplegia                                  7/16/1920      Sarah Massey & -----                      57y
Wattells, Nannie G.           Cancer of the Abdominal Vicera              4/5/1914       John Pugh & Lucy Payton                   51y
Wattles, Caroline Clagett     Angina Pectoris                             10/28/1920     R. H. Clagett & Wm. Ramsey                91y
Wattles, Charles William      Acute Nephritis                             6/23/1928      Caroline Clagett & Henry Starr Wattles    67y
Wattles, Harriet              ---                                         06/19/1912     ----- & -----                             81y
Wattles, Harriet              ---                                         4/30/1929      ----- & -----                             70y
Wattles, Phillippa A.         ---                                         7/24/1920      ----- & -----                             57y
Wattles, Rickard Henry        Coronary Thrombosis                         12/21/1928     Henry Starr Wattles & Caroline Claggett (C63y
Wattles, William H.           Pulmonary Tuberculosis                      9/2/1928       Andrew Wattles & Mary Smith               46y
Watts, _____                  Stillborn                                   3/26/1936      Karl J. Watts & Mildred Hinton            --
Watts, Katharine E.           Carcinoma Bladder                           7/10/1936      John Simpson & Katherine Whitbeck         77y10m8d
Waybright, Mary Virginia      Burns                                       9/28/1919      Wm. W. Waybright & Maude M. Kramer        6y2m6d
Waybright, William W.         Angina Pectoris                             10/17/1933     David Waybright & Mary Snyder             47y
Wayne, Clarence               Apoplexy                                    10/7/1938      Marion Wayne & Eliza Scott                45y
Wayne, Edward N.              Entero Colitis                              7/18/1920      Clarence Wayne & Hattie Smithers (Smathers7d
Wayne, Eliza                  Aortic Insufficiency                        6/3/1938       Sire Lee Scott & Betsie Lewis             64y5m15d
Weadon, Harriet Palmer        Asthma                                      4/13/1924      Frank M. Weadon & Mary J. Briscoe         66y14d
Weadon, Martha Catherine      Cancer Uterine                              9/7/1914       Eliz. E. Cross & John Nelson Thomas       66y10m29d
Weathers, Ada                 La Grippe                                   1/1/1920       ----- & -----                             30y
Weaver, Adelaide Louise       Pneumonia                                   11/10/1930     Leonard Weaver & Lucy Oliver              2m24d
Weaver, Annie                 Carcinoma of Stomach                        3/13/1921      William Weaver & Elizabeth Burrell        74y
Wells, Henry                  Lobar Pneumonia                             10/18/1918     ----- & -----                             abt.80y
Wells, John A.                Sudden Death                                2/19/1923      ----- & -----                             62y
Wells, John Chester           Heart Failure                               8/13/1930      Clarence Wells & -----                    30y
Wells, John Merchant          La Grippe                                   12/5/1918      Elizabeth Valentine & ------              73y
Wells, Joseph F.              Typhoid Fever                               8/20/1917      Chas. D. Wells & & Mary Beach             15y
Wells, Nannie Lee             Ch. Cardio Vascular Disease                 5/25/1935      John Cornwall & Mary Cornwell             61y
Wells, Sarah C.               Peritonitis                                 5/3/1916       John Pettit & Eliz. Allison               79y
Welsh, _____                  Premature Birth                             7/1/1935       Randolph Welsh & Mary Foster              2hr10min
Welsh, _____                  Stillborn                                   9/30/1928      Easton Welsh & Marion Arnell              ---
Welsh, Anita Louise           Lobar Pneumonia                             3/24/1931      Randolph Welsh & Mary E. Arnell           6y
Welsh, Benjamin               Senile Debility                             2/28/1924      James Welsh & Mary Davis                  66y
Welsh, Margaret N. (W)        Bright's Disease                            9/21/1918      Margaret Hyde & -----                     74y
Wenk, Daniel Webster          Ch. Nephritis                               8/10/1929      John H. Wenk & Jane Garners               74y10m9d
Wenk, Virginia C.             Automobile Accident                         1/10/1932      ----- & -----                             52y
Wensler, George               -----                                       8/28/1927      ----- & ------                            68y
Wenzel, Margaret              Ch. Nephritis                               7/7/1912       Adam Bright & Annie B. Schwab             78y
Werneke, Catherine Heisley    Paresis                                     3/13/1934      John R. Heisley & Catherine E. Boyce      59y3m27d
Werner, William Joseph        Gunshot Wound Suicide                       6/15/1934      George Werner & Wina Ingram               49y
Wertz, Mary E.                Cardiac Insufficiency                       10/26/1930     David H. Carter & Emma Moore              46y4m7d
Wescoat, Laura Angeline       Ileo-Colitis                                7/4/1912       Robt. C. Wescoat & Laura H. McKaryn       10m6d
Wess, Kate                    Cerebral Hemorrhage                         2/25/1930      Thornton Williams & Eliza Tancie          abt.63y
West, _____                   Broncho Pneumonia                           3.1/8/1932     Raymond S. West & Jeanie Clairbone        6m
West, _____                   Pneumonia                                   02/05/1954     Raymond West & Jessie B. Clayborne        5wks5d
West, Christopher             Valvular Disease Of Heart                   12/25/1924     ----- & ------                            66y
West, Edwin M.                Cerebral Hemorrhage                         8/4/1928       James West & Margaret Eliz. Baker         66y5m9d
West, John S.                 Heart Failure                               10/24/1939     Josephine Robinson & Robt. M. West        abt.70y
West, Mary Ellen              Ch. Nephritis                               10/3/19M       John Jones & Jane Heatwale                71y6m17d
West, Mathilda                Valvular Heart Disease                      3/26/1935      John Harris & Caroline ____               74y
West, Nellie Kerby            Ch. Myocarditis                             2/28/1936      J. Owen Kerby & Rachael Brooke Collard    67y6m15d
West, Phyllis Edwina          Pulmonary Edema                             2/18/1933      Marion West & Beatrice Pickford           1y8m
West, Rebecca May             Mitral Stenosis (Rheumatic)                 1/24/1939      Chas. N. Rouch (Ranch) & Margaret Skinner abt.55y
West, Ruth E..                Coronary Occlusion                          4/28/1937      E. B. Hilton & -----                      64y
West, William W.              Cirrhosis of Liver                          8/15/1936      Jacob J. West & Caroline Engelhart        71y3m25d
Westcott, Wilkins             Myocarditis                                 5/15/1938      Wm. A. Westcott & Sarah R. Statt (Stott)  84y5m11d
Westley, Ida                  Ch. Cardio Vascular Renal Disease           6/9/1933       Joe Chape & Delia Harris                  64y
Weyncup, Kathryn S.           Paralysis                                   11/15/1920     ----- & -----                             79y
Whalen, Carroll Lee           Broncho Pneumonia                           8/2/1936       Benton Whalen & Hellen Gallahan           7m20d
Whalen, George W.             Severed Spinal Cord Accident                02/20/1925     Wm. J. Whalen & Lina Davis                16y2m4d
Whalen, Jeanette              Adenocarcinoma Abdominal                    10/4/1939      Annie Quinn & Wm. Whalen                  45y2m24d
Whalen, Martin Delaney        Enteritis, Toxemia                          11/4/1936      Edward Whalen & Juanita Ramey             4m
Whalen, Nannie Bell           Intestinal Ileus                            11/2/1933      J. P. Blaxton & Lillie H. Smith           41y
Whalen, William J.            Accidentally Drowned                        5/29/1922      William J. Whalen & -----                 36y
Whalen, William M.            General Paralysis                           8/5/1922       ---- &----                                63y
Whaley, Rachael R.            Valvular Disease of Heart                   4/20/1913      ---- &----                                67y
Whaley, Rosa L.               Cerebral Hemorrhage                         10/4/1925      Robert Whaley & ------ *                  66y9m19d
Whaling, Arthur James         Railroad Accident                           8/1/1917       Posey Whaling & Sallie ------             29y1m3d
Wharton, Charles Davis        Influenza                                   3/6/1927       Fred. Wharton & Alice A. Sacra            2y9m
Wharton, John William         Lobar Pneumonia                             10/24/1918     Geo. L. Wharton & Nellie Lyons            27y3m20d
Wheat, Florence Dorsey        Fall & Heart Disease                        7/14/1930      ----- & ------                            79y
Wheat, Florence Smoot (Mrs)   Cancer of Liver                             1/24/1925      Chas. B. Smoot, Jr. & Susan A. Smoot      65y1m29d
Wheat, Frances Dorsey         Fractured Thigh; Heart Disease              7/14/1930      Henry Carter Dorsey & Mary C. Emerson     69y6m28d
Wheat, John W.                -----                                       12/9/1929      ---- &----                                70y
Wheat, Robert W.              -----                                       4/17/1918      ---- &----                                65y
Wheat, Sue Lee                -----                                       10/4/1930      ---- &----                                69y
Wheatley, Benedict Jr.        Cerebral Thrombosis                         4/2/1920       Martha L. Kidwell & Benedict Wheatley, Sr.50y
Wheatley, Benjamin            Cerebral Hemorrhage                         12/7/1939      Mary T. Gore & Wm. Wheatley               --
Wheatley, Martha A.           Large Dilated Heart                         10/26/1915     Betsey Suddeth & Wm. Kidwell              78y4m16d
Wheatley, Mary T.             Ch. Nepbritis                               3.2/17/1924    Charles Gore & Elizabeth Pullen           81y10m5d
Wheatley, Mollie Byers        Uraemic Convulsions                         9/26/1917      ----- & -----                             61y1m10d
Wheatley, Sydney Neale        Perforating Ulcer of Pyloris                6/29/1930      Wm. Wheatley & Mary T. Gore               53y
Wheatley, William H.          Ch. Nephritis                               1/19/1918      Wm. Wheatley & -------                    74y10m15d
Wheatly, Agnes E.             Ch. Nephritis                               7/26/1918      _____ Clements & --------                 68y
Whedbee, James C.             Pneumonia                                   10/5/1928      ----- & -----                             13y
Whedbee, Mary Blunt           Abscess Liver                               9/1/1934       Edmund Blunt & Mary Bemery                89y
Wheeler, _____                Stillborn                                   4/20/1926      Melvin Wheeler & Grace Brooks             ---
Wheeler, Agnes                Acute Nephritis                             6/5/1934       Jesse Wheeler & Essie Marlow              30y
Wheeler, Herbert E.           Valvular Heart Disease                      11/13/1925     Jos. A. Wheeler & Dora V. Brooks          20y
Whelen, Carroll Lee           Broncho Pneumonia                           8/2/1938       Benton Whalen & Hellen Gallahan           7m20d
Whelen, Joseph                Carcinoma of Stomach                        4/4/1926       ----- & -----                             36y
Whetstone, Carol Lowe         Premature                                   3/23/1932      Frances L. Edwards & Carl Whetstone       1d
Whitaker, James               Ch. Myocarditis                             7/1/1933       ----- & -----                             54y3m14d
White, Annie (Mrs.)           Adhesions, Intestinal Obstruction           9/24/1936      ----- & -----                             50y
White, Catherine              Senility                                    01/11/1929     ----- & -----                             93y
White, Clifford A.            Measles                                     1/26/1915      David White & Maud Braborn                5y6m26d
White, Colleen                Acute Enteritis                             8/19/1931      E. L. White & Lula White                  9m
White, Dorothy V.             -----                                       7/30/1919      ----- & -----                             12y
White, Elizabeth Parsons      Hypostatic Pneumonia                        7/18/1916      Thos. M. White & Marian Wood              80y7m6d
White, Ellen                  Bright's Disease                            8/24/1935      Geo. Grisby & Hester Whitley              58y
White, Eugene E.              Bullet Wound in Abdomen                     6/2/1926       John W. White & Mary E. White             58y
White, Frances Eugenia        Acute Nephritis Arteriosclerosis            4/20/1938      George White & Catherine McIntosh         75y7m24d
White, Frederick              Lobar Pneumonia                             12/15/1935     Frederick Tibbs & Georgie Hopkins         27y
White, George Clinton         Carcinoma                                   3/12/1933      John White & Mary Rayston (Royston)       59y8m14d
Windsor, _____                Stillborn                                   5/17/1936      Wm. E. Windsor & Pearl B. Norris          --
Windsor, Cordelia             Endocarditis                                3/6/1927       James I. Mills & Delia J. Cale            79y2m2d
Windsor, Edward               ----                                        8/12/1920      ----- & -----                             54y
Windsor, George H.            Ch. Thrombosis                              08/30/1937     Geo. W. Windsor & Cordelia Mills          68y1m22d
Windsor, Mary Leycock         Ch. Nephritis                               10/29/1916     Edward L. Windsor & -------               82y
Wine, Ella                    Ch. Myocarditis                             1/7/1935       Robert Herndon & Mahaley Rhine            63y10m15d
Wine, Mary Mildred            Lobar Pneumonia                             10/15/1918     J. W. Dillon & Mary Jane Jordon           32y
Winers, _____                 Stillborn                                   1/10/1936      Julia Winers                              --
Wingfield, John               Cerebral Hemorrhage                         11/15/1924     Minor Wingfield & Tysbie Baker            abt.45y
Wingfield, Joseph             Head Injuries Struck by R. R. Engine        10/31/1936     Jos. Wingfield & Mildred _____            66y7m22d
Winkfield, William E.         Valvular Disease of Heart                   11/30/1926     Charles Winkfield & -----                 71y
Winslow, William Martin       Inanition                                   1/3/1918       Charles Sheppard & Lillie Winslow         2m
Winston, Dorothy E.           Broncho-Pneumonia                           3/17/1930      Richard Winston & Etta Hunter             11m29d
Winterroll, Frederick A.      Ch. Nephritis                               2/12/1924      Joseph _____ & Juliana Fillipina          83y
Wirt, Catherine E.            ---                                         7/23/1922      ------ & ------                           71y
Wirt, Irma M. (Mrs.)          Valvular Heart Disease                      2/11/1937      C. R. McCash & Nonnie _____               57y
Wise, Caroline May            Gallstone & Abscess of Liver                5/12/1918      George Wise & Ida V. Smoot                44y
Wise, Ella F.                 Cardiac Incompetency                        12/2/1921      Samuel Snead & Ella Sunad                 52y
Wise, George                  Cerebral Thrombosis                         1/31/1923      Geo. P. Wise & -----                      82y
Wise, Henry                   Aneurysm of Aorta                           5/3/1936       Phillip J. Wise & -----                   69y10m29d
Wise, Ida Virginia            Apoplexy                                    3/4/1927       James E. Smoot & Phoebe C. Love           79y6m24d
Wiss, Celine                  Angina Pectoris                             1/29/1929      ----- & -----                             80y
Withers, Annie                General Paralysis                           4/12/1917      ----- & -----                             58y
Wizcizinki, Ferdinand         Double Pneumonia with Typhoid Fever         1/28/1916      Wianity _____ & Josi _____                39y
Woddell, Majorie (Marjorie)   Senility                                    10/24/1924     John Hundy (Hendy) & Margaret Hendy       96y
Wolf, George                  Pulmonary Tuberculosis                      1/12/1915      William Wolf & Lena Kramer                17y10m8d
Wolf, Ida                     Cerebral Hemorrhage                         7/4/1935       Samuel Barnheimer & Janette Driefuss      63y
Wooters, _____                Stillborn                                   12/01/1937     M. S. Wooters & Lena M. Wahl (Wall)       ---
Wormby, William               Pulmonary Tuberculosis                      11/21/1914     Ellis Wormby & Mary Charles               23y
Wormley, _____                Pulmonary Tuberculosis                      1/19/1915      Ellis Wormley & Mary Chili                17y
Wormley, Lucinda              Acute Nephritis                             11/26/1918     Esther Lightfoot & Wm. Marshall           17y
Worrell, Catherine Gorham     Coronary Thrombosis                         2/27/1939      Charles Wheatley & Mary Baker             68y8m23d
Worrell, Rircir Lee           Septicemia - Miscarriage                    8/15/1926      Thomas Miller & Miss Key                  abt.30y
Worthington, Fredericka K.    Cerebral Arterio Sclerosis                  08/25/1938     Gowin C. Taliferro & -----                abt.75y
Wraten, Owen                  Inflicted Wounds Homicide                   09/08/1930     ------ & -----                            22y
Wray, Mattie (Mrs.)           Carcinoma of Bacophague                     1/10/1937      Chas. Lobb & -----                        73y
Wren, Ray (Roy)               Suicide - shot through head                 12/31/1928     John R. Wren & Essie Pearl Coleman        19y
Wrenn, William                Broken Neck Auto Accident                   11/29/1935     ----- & -----                             34y
Wright, Amanda Blanche        Ch. Nephritis                               1/15/1919      Cabel Litten Richards & Julia Ann Amanda W63y11m24d
Wright, Charles Edward        Nephritis                                   8/21/1919      Chas. Wright & Jane Goodwin               62y
Wright, Emma                  Marasmus                                    2/23/1935      Mondy Wright &  Amanda Dickerson          2m
Wright, Fannie                Myocarditis                                 12/25/1928     ---- & ----                               abt.61y
Wright, Georgeanna            Acute Pericarditis                          1/22/1918      Geo. Hedgemon & Mildred Knight            69y
Wright, Hawerton              Appendicitis                                11/25/1912     William Wright & -----                    52y
Wright, Henrietta             -----                                       5/7/1917       ----- & -----                             84y
Wright, James B.              Valvular Disease of Heart                   12/5/1919      ----- & -----                             71y9m2d
Wright, James E.              Acute Nephritis                             06/12/1912     William Wright & -----                    27y1m2d
Wright, James R.              Lobar Pneumonia                             2/12/1930      James Wright & Bertha Allen               7y
Wright, James R.              Valvular Disease of Heart                   10/02/1914     Randall Wright & ------                   72y
Wright, John Phillip          Valvular Disease of Heart                   09/09/1934     John B. Wright & -----                    50y
Wright, Lillie M.             Catarrhal Pneumonia                         3/15/1924      Robert Hunter & Lillie D. Wright          4m5d
Wright, Margaret Elizabeth    Cerebral Sclerosis                          3/24/1931      Payne Rogers & Susie _____                73y
Wright, Mattie                Pneumonia                                   1/11/1916      Philip Wright & Roxie Toliver             27y

* user submits that the wife's name was "Mary Pritchartt"

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