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Miscellaneous Early Coweta County, Georgia Marriages - M's

              BRIDE'S NAME                                            GROOM'S NAME
=======        ==========    ======      =============     =======        ==========   ======
Mackey         Elizabeth     Jane        28-Dec-1846       Neely          James
Mackey         Florence      L           28-Dec-1886       Watts          Charles      B
Mackey         S             T           29-May-1881       Jones          S            O
Mackey         M             L           4-May-1882        Jones          Wilbur       F
Mackey         Sarah                     5-Dec-1836        Terrell        Thomas       Jm
Madaris        A             J           10-Oct-1897       Shaw           W            L
Madaris        Lizzie                    1-Jun-1879        Ashfield       Samuel
Madden         Louisa                    10-Oct-1832       Harris         A            C
Maddox         Mary                      26-Jan-1875       Mcnally        James        J
Major          Elizabeth     M           5-Jul-1832        Ware           Edward       M
Malone         Mary                      7-Jan-1841        Colbert        John
Maltkin        Eliza         A           17-Jan-1871       Perdue         W            J
Mandley        I             P           3-Aug-1879        Sith           T            A
Maner          Sallie                    25-Dec-1886       Bridges        John
Manley         Piercy        Mrs         14-Jan-1891       Moore          John         T
Manley         Caroline                  18-Feb-1836       York           John
Manly          Georgia                   10-Nov-1874       Burks          James        R
Manly          Sarah                     4-Sep-1879        Cooley         J            W A
Mann           J             T           16-Jan-1873       Drake          M            A
Mann           Addie                     6-May-1874        Shelnutt       John         A
Mann           C             R           7-Oct-1868        Eidson         T            R
Mann           M             V           9-Feb-1882        Hyde           J            H
Mantlo         R             W           11-Jun-1865       Farmer         George       A
Marchman       Roxie                     28-Jan-1880       Bohanon        Henry
Marlow         Adaline                   23-Oct-1853       Lipham         Sandford
Marlow         Cinthia       A           4-Oct-1854        Carter         John         H
Marlow         Balsora                   6-Apr-1864        Nowland        Joseph
Marlow         Cinthia       Ssa         8-Aug-1865        Arthur         William
Martha         Ann                       31-Jul-1849       Greer          Thomas       Lee
Martin         Leila                     6-Aug-2000        Higginbotham   William      A
Martin         A             C           10-Nov-1869       Whitehead      William      G
Martin         Fannie                    11-Dec-1898       Askew          J            W
Martin         Mariah                    15-Feb-1834       Summers        John         A
Martin         Martha        S           16-Oct-1855       Stephens       G            A
Martin         Essie                     1-Aug-1893        Boswell        William      M
Martin         Eliza         B           1-Jul-1865        Mcnulty        M            A
Martin         Mary          B           20-Dec-1897       Davis          J            J
Martin         Emma                      21-Jul-1888       Cannon         H
Martin         Katie         Opel        21-Oct-1891       Cureton        James
Martin         Elizabeth                 22-Apr-1880       Montgomery     William      S
Martin         Nora          Lee         22-Apr-1896       Mobley         A            C
Martin         Mary          M           23-Aug-1838       Keith          Reuben       W
Martin         J             P           23-Jun-1869       Brown          M            B
Martin         Sudie         O           23-May-1895       Zuber          W            P
Martin         Fannie                    24-Dec-1867       Camp           Benjamin     M
Martin         Elizabeth                 27-Jun-1844       Wortham        Benjamin
Martin         Emma                      28-Oct-1879       Couch          Walker       H
Martin         Jane          K           2-Nov-1843        Wight          William      H
Martin         Mariah                    30-Dec-1837       Alexander      Miles        M
Martin         Fannie        Kate        30-Nov-1886       Stewart        Robert       J
Martin         Mary          E           4-Apr-1854        Whitehead      Willis       R
Martin         Mariah                    5-May-1834        Simmons        John         A
Martin         Carrie        S Mrs       6-Oct-1885        Melson         W            A
Martin         Thursa                    8-May-1881        Mathews        George       W
Martin         Jane                      9-Aug-1838        Stilwell       Jacob
Martin         A             O           9-Dec-1872        Post           Z            T
Martox         Mary          Ann         27-Jul-1843       Hill           Silas        W
Mason          Teresa                    23-Mar-1841       Doster         Green        B
Massengale     Sarah                     16-Apr-1882       Mcdowell       William
Massengale     M             J           17-Nov-1895       Mccullough     G
Massengale     Lula                      24-Dec-1883       Cannon         Benjamin
Massengill     S             R           5-Dec-1853        Spraggins      H            T
Mathews        Georgia       A           18-Dec-1870       Hendrix        W            H
Mathews        Sallie                    2-May-1883        Hendrix        James
Mathis         Isabel                    13-Nov-1837       Allen          Jeremiah
Mathis         Sarah                     21-Jul-1870       Harris         John
Mathis         Catherine                 25-Sep-1837       Hogan          James
Mathis         Nollie                    3-Nov-1880        Hendrix        George       C
Matson         Sarah         Ann         10-Jul-1852       Hays           William      H
Matthews       Delpha        Ann         13-Jan-1848       Walton         Iverson      E
Matthews       F                         18-Dec-1870       Webb           J            M
Mattox         Kate                      22-Dec-1889       Lester         A            O
Mattox         Sarah                     2-Aug-1899        Gibson         John         Sanders
Mattox         T             H           31-May-1893       Young          E            M
Mattox         Almira        J           5-Dec-1895        Sutherland     P            L
Maxcey         Martha        H           7-Jul-1837        Fleming        Joshua       P
Maxcey         Martha        H           7-Jul-1837        Fleming        Joshua       P
Maxey          Eizabeth                  12-Nov-1876       Askew          J            L
Maxwell        Phereby       Mrs         2-Sep-1888        Waters         Virgil       M
May            Maggie                    1-Nov-1885        Goldsmith      W            H
May            Kate                      23-Dec-1886       Pollard        John         F
May            Elizabeth                 8-Sep-1844        Bates          David        M
Mayfield       Phillip                   3-Jan-1840        Wood           Dury         Ann
Mayo           Matilda                   10-Dec-1868       Handcock       Jourdan
Mayo           Sarah                     23-May-1849       Bailey         Elijah
Mayo           Martha                    24-Jun-1832       Tidwell        Simeon
Mayo           Rebecca       S           27-Dec-1859       Wilson         John         P
Mayo           A             L           5-Dec-1866        Garrison       H            N
Mayo           Elizabeth     J           7-Sep-1843        Shell          James        Gc
Mays           Matilda                   1-Aug-1833        Tidwell        Simeon
Mays           Amanda        C           28-May-1876       Nolan          Jessee       H
Mcbride        Jane                      7-Aug-1838        Hays           James        S
Mcbryde        L             C           7-Nov-1861        Attaway        John         M K
Mcburnett      Elizabeth                 28-Oct-1867       Madaris        William      A
Mccallister    Elizabeth                 4-Jan-1874        Banks          David        A
Mccaslin       R             M           11-Oct-1893       Hill           Willie       F
Mccay          Mollie                    10-Jan-1871       Casley         George
Mccleane       H             S           18-Nov-1884       Glass          Bitha
Mcclue         Emila         A           23-Dec-1847       Hunecut        Jefferson
Mcclung        Haley                     9-Dec-1844        Plunket        Wesley
Mcclure        Elizabeth     A           12-Dec-1835       Prickett       Tarpley
Mcclure        Jane          A           22-Jul-1831       Mcleroy        Johnson
Mcclure        Lucinda                   23-Nov-1833       Prickett       Thomas
Mcclure        Mattie        E           24-Dec-1874       Latimer        Robert       E
Mcclure        Anna                      29-Nov-1874       Bryne          William      O
Mcclure        Martha        H           31-Aug-1847       Horton         James
Mcclure        Mary                      4-Dec-1870        Pane           W            S C
Mcclure        Malinda                   5-Oct-1837        Mcleroy        William
Mcclure        Elizabeth     A           7-Sep-1880        Widdows        Robert
Mccollister    Isabel                    8-Jan-1851        Hendrix        George       W
Mccollum       L             J           11-Oct-1870       Carrington     J            D
Mccollum       Elmina        Anne        13-Jul-1857       Banks          William      Hubbard
Mccollum       Mar           A           25-Oct-1860       Jacobs         George       B
Mccollum       Gena                      5-Apr-1893        Albright       John         O
Mccombs        Martha        Mrs         31-Aug-1865       Delacy         John
Mccombs        Martha        Mrs         31-Aug-1865       Lacey          John         D
Mccord         Mary                      15-Sep-1873       Puckett        Richard
Mccormack      Elizabeth                 10-May-1832       Furgerson      Thomas
Mccoy          Mollie                    10-Jan-1891       Cosley         George
Mccrary        Pearl                     16-Aug-1899       Turner         Walter       C
Mccray         Elizabeth     J           29-Nov-1852       Cavender       George       W
Mcculler       T             G           8-Feb-1889        Shell          Lee
Mccullough     Martha        A           10-Sep-1857       Williams       Francis      M
Mccullough     C             B           12-Aug-1888       Smith          R            C
Mccullough     A             M           13-Jul-1891       Mccullough     W            L
Mccullough     W             L           13-Jul-1891       Mccullough     A            M
Mccullough     I             G           17-Nov-1895       Massengale     M            J
Mccullough     Alice                     20-Dec-1884       Hunter         John         B
Mccullough     Louisa        Mrs         27-Dec-1880       Mitchell       Hilliard
Mccullough     Elizabeth                 4-Apr-1854        Morgan         Daniel       F
Mccullough     Sarah                     6-Nov-1864        Harris         David
Mccullough     Catherine     R           7-Jul-1897        Caldwell       James        M
Mcdaie         Cora          E           14-Feb-1883       Hollis         James        B
Mcdaniel       Mary                      28-Jul-1852       Wilson         Allen        H
Mcdaniel       M             F           29-Jul-1883       Jones          John         T
Mcdonald       Sallie                    17-Feb-1898       Bailey         Andrew       J
Mcdonald       Fannie        J           19-Mar-1868       Roberson       James        L
Mcdonald       Maggie                    24-Dec-1878       Young          Thomas       G
Mcdowell       Teresa        Lynn        6-Feb-1985        Couch          Aubrey       Lee Jr
Mcdowell       Elizabeth     A           3-Aug-1845        Humphries      James        W
Mcdowell       Elizabeth                 4-May-1832        Murphy         James
Mcgee          Emma                      14-Jan-1892       Moore          Robert
Mcghee         Emma                      7-Oct-1874        Cole           John         D
Mcguire        Ella                      25-Dec-1876       Ellis          W            J
Mcguire        Mildred       E           6-May-1891        Leverett       James        P
Mcguire        Eula                      8-Dec-1880        Carpenter      J            T
Mcintosh       Margaret                  1-Apr-1837        Sockwell       Edwin        B
Mciver         Eliza         A           16-Feb-1857       Alexander      Abraham      W
Mckenzie       Fannie                    2-Oct-1898        Bailey         Claude
Mckenzie       Sophia        M           4-Jul-1844        Mcbride        William
Mckenzie       Mamie                     9-Oct-1898        Entrekin       Marion       P
Mckinley       Fannie                    21-Feb-1866       Scales         J            H
Mckinley       Fannie                    7-Aug-1872        Smith          Antony
Mckinley       Louisa                    8-Jan-1871        Hampton        Wade
Mckinley       Mary          A           9-Nov-1866        Aikins         A            L
Mcknight       E             F           21-Dec-1865       Summers        William      H
Mcknight       Ala           B           23-Apr-1899       Neill          Green        B
Mcknight       Nancy                     30-Mar-1835       Cossey         Wright
Mckoy          J             L           13-Dec-1875       Cavender       F            C
Mckoy          Lula                      22-Oct-1884       Moore          W            T
Mckoy          Lillie        W           26-Dec-1898       Watkins        F            O
Mckoy          Patsy                     26-May-1870       Street         Willis
Mclain         Alice                     11-Dec-1873       Wortham        William      C
Mclain         Rebecca       A           22-Oct-1854       Tidwell        Benjamin     L
Mclane         Lillie                    10-Jan-1874       Couch          L            W
Mclane         Annie                     22-Dec-1897       Davis          W            B
Mclean         G             F           1-Jun-1884        Weaver         H            O
Mclendon       Lizzie                    28-Nov-1871       Bigby          John         S
Mcleroy        Claudia       M           19-Sep-1899       Haynes         Charlie      L
Mcleroy        Maggie        J           9-Jan-1866        Carmical       Robert       N
Mclin          Mary          S           16-Oct-1834       Bird           John         J
Mclin          Margaret                  24-May-1849       Wood           A            F
Mclin          Martha                    4-Aug-1831        Meadows        Theopolius
Mcmical        Mollie                    4-Dec-1894        Kimball        George
Mcmichael      Bertha                    30-May-1897       Mckenzie       Glenn
Mcnally        Jimmie        Lou         9-Nov-1893        Powell         J            A
Mcnamore       Susie         A           4-Oct-1887        Clarke         John         T
Mcquiter       Minda                     1-Nov-1873        Smith          Willis
Mcritchie      Maggie                    10-Jan-1883       Gay            W            F
Mcritchie      Jean                      17-Feb-1885       Young          A            H
Mcswain        Leanna                    7-Dec-1892        Wilson         R            L
Mcwhorter      Sarah         J           6-Aug-1855        Bailey         James
Mcwilliams     Fannie                    1-Sep-1881        Trammell       Mose
Mcwilliams     Susan         M           3-Jan-1866        Hindsman       Felix        E
Meadoews       F             J           24-Dec-1868       Fowler         A            C
Meadowe        Mary          K           24-Dec-1881       Jackson        Isaac        P
Meadows        M             Ae          12-Dec-1865       Merriweather   D            S
Meadows        Sallie                    16-May-1889       Burkes         C            A
Meadows        S             T           19-Oct-1873       Evans          W            R
Meadows        Lucy                      21-Oct-1875       Haynes         J            T
Meadows        Susan                     22-Aug-1875       Cook           Henry
Meadows        Josephine     J           25-Oct-1881       Todd           Joseph       H
Meadows        Elizabeth                 27-Apr-1865       Walker         Alexander
Meadows        Augusta       E           29-Nov-1871       Todd           Peter        White
Meadows        L             S           2-Jan-1883        Evans          W            R
Meadows        R             U           30-Dec-1872       Smith          J            W
Meadows        L             A           4-Mar-1883        Yeager         W            H
Meadows        Anna          Ej          8-Feb-1883        Todd           T            M
Meddors        Ann                       21-Jul-1835       Smith          Eli
Meek           Mary                      26-Oct-1851       Rowland        Jacob
Meek           Martha        A           30-Dec-1849       Sims           Absalem
Meeks          Estella                   14-Jun-1894       Waits          G            W
Meeks          Margaret                  21-Aug-1880       Harlin         Joseph       D
Meeks          A             M           24-Jun-1896       Jenkins        Willie       R
Meeks          Amanda                    2-Dec-1875        Gabriel        W            R
Meeks          Mollie                    7-Nov-1877        Jordan         Llewellyn
Meeks          H             B           9-Mar-1876        Collins        J            N
Meggs          Jane          E           5-Sep-1867        Brock          George       W
Meigs          Ceilia                    5-Nov-1868        Atchison       Thomas       W
Meigs          Martha        E           5-Nov-1868        Humphries      Thomas       J
Melson         Mary          M           11-Mar-1841       Huggins        John
Melson         Mary          F           11-Mar-1879       Lane           Joseph       H
Melson         Aldora                    20-Feb-1881       King           John
Melson         Martha        M           25-Jun-1854       Echols         Samuel
Melson         Kate                      8-Dec-1895        Oneal          T            J
Melson         M             M           8-Oct-1857        Burks          R            H
Mercer         Vasti                     13-Oct-1851       Williamson     James
Mercer         Elizabeth     J           30-Jan-1851       Dickson        John         F
Mercier        Josie         L           15-Oct-1882       Huddleston     James        D
Mercier        Sallie                    27-Nov-1866       Okelly         Richard      I
Mercier        Emma                      29-Dec-1879       Northern       A            P
Meritt         Sarah         H           3-Mar-1864        Meeks          Noah
Meriweather    Callie                    24-Oct-1871       Thurmond       J            T
Meriweather    Fannie                    2-Aug-1899        Thomas         William      W
Meriwether     Elizabeth     F           16-Nov-1843       Leigh          Walter
Meriwether     L             V           5-Nov-1873        Askew          John         L
Merrell        Oliver        E           30-Oct-1879       Neeley         George       W
Merritt        Caroline                  4-Mar-1853        Fuller         George
Merriweath     D             S           12-Dec-1865       Meadows        M            A E
Merriweather   Irene                     12-Dec-1867       Thurmond       R            D
Merriweather   Sarah         V           14-Jul-1859       Greaves        Franklin     Y
Merriweather   Mattie                    21-Sep-1892       Weinberg       Lewis        E
Merriweather   Kate                      26-Dec-1886       Davis          Z            T
Merriweather   Mary          A           2-Sep-1858        Brown          Christopher  B
Merriwether    Amanda                    11-Dec-1887       Dodds          Adolphus
Merriwether    Fannie                    23-May-1889       Saxon          F            W
Methvin        Laura         P           23-Dec-1891       Ogletree       Early        J
Methvin        Lucy                      28-Dec-1897       Dearman        C            E
Methvin        Ella          D           8-Jun-1893        Vining         De           Z
Methwin        Angeline                  25-Jan-1849       Jarrell        Robert       W
Metts          Nancy         A           22-Feb-1855       Stone          Levi
Middlebrook    Laura                     1-Mar-1896        Kimble         George
Miegs          Sallie                    24-Nov-1881       Holbrook       John         W
Milions        S             M           15-Sep-1874       Fifer          L            J
Miller         A             E           26-Dec-1866       Hopkins        N            A
Miller         Vashti        A           6-Nov-1845        Harbin         William      T
Miller         Sarah         E           7-Aug-1845        Gilbreath      Leander      M
Millians       Ethel                     19-Aug-1896       Allen          John         M
Millians       Margaret      Ruth        25-Nov-1891       Richards       W            T
Millians       Mary          Ann         29-Jan-1852       Story          John         T
Millians       Lou                       6-Feb-1887        Starr          O            M
Millians       Sarah         A           7-Dec-1865        Grimes         Fredrick
Milligham      Mary          E           24-Jan-1855       Higgins        John         C
Millirons      Rebecca                   7-Nov-1858        Copeland       J            H
Millrons       Eliza                     19-Apr-1864       Bevis          John
Mills          Lavonia       M           16-Nov-1882       Wardsworth     Frank        E
Milner         Kate          E           16-Aug-1883       Brown          James        E
Milner         Nora          E           17-Apr-1883       Avery          W            E
Minnix         Fannie                    12-Sep-1889       Congo          Charlie
Minnix         Elmira                    26-Jul-1885       Easterwood     J            W
Mitchell       Lillie                    28-Nov-2000       Tullis         W            A
Mitchell       Elizabeth                 10-Jul-1855       Spivey         James        J
Mitchell       Nancy         Ann         14-Nov-1874       Brown          Jack
Mitchell       Martha        S           14-Oct-1851       Russell        Robert       Y
Mitchell       Eliza                     16-Oct-1870       Jackson        Peter
Mitchell       Eliza         Emily       21-Feb-1856       Shannon        James        G
Mitchell       Anna                      21-Nov-1872       Smith          Frank
Mitchell       Eliza                     24-Dec-1878       Mccullough     Martin       V
Mitchell       Bessie                    3-Jan-1895        Cruse          J            J
Mitchum        Mary          E           16-Feb-1875       Knight         Mathew
Mixon          E             P           3-Dec-1874        Cook           M            E
Mize           S             J           22-Oct-1868       Simpson        R            M
Mize           H             A Mrs       30-Oct-1873       Lester         John
Mize           Hannah                    8-Nov-1829        Ingram         John
Mobley         Mittie                    11-Oct-1883       Starr          Joshua       H
Mobley         M             J           13-Jan-1895       Smith          J            E
Mobley         Lizzie        Irwin       19-Dec-1882       Stipe          Edweard      E
Mobley         Fannie                    20-Dec-1870       Duncan         Matthew
Mobley         Nancy                     27-Feb-1848       Pate           Richard      M
Mobley         Sarah                     8-Dec-1831        Duncan         Elias
Mobley         Eleazer                   9-Feb-1889        Page           Tallulah
Mobley         Mary                      9-Mar-1869        Pike           W            E
Moll           Safira        L           26-Mar-1890       Hacker         Alfred       R
Moncrief       Sarah         E           25-Jan-1857       Vineyard       James        N
Montgomery     Sudie         Elna        21-Nov-2000       Miller         W            R
Moody          Nancy         M           25-Dec-1879       Wood           John         C
Moore          Jane          H           13-Dec-1854       Waters         William      L
Moore          Lizzie                    13-Sep-1877       Hubbard        Thomas       L
Moore          N             J           14-Mar-1875       Wood           J            N
Moore          Sallie                    15-Oct-1893       Strickland     E            H
Moore          Nancy                     16-Oct-1837       Martin         John
Moore          Sarah         Tf          16-Sep-1883       Cruse          Thomas       W
Moore          E             J           17-Oct-1865       Bohanon        Joseph
Moore          Martha        Ann         17-Sep-1851       Webb           Milledge     C
Moore          Sarah                     18-Dec-1860       Brooks         W            V
Moore          Mattie                    18-Dec-1898       Haynes         A            M
Moore          Elizabeth                 18-Mar-1885       Lee            James        Allen
Moore          Susan                     18-May-1879       Ashcraft       Augustus     B
Moore          Alice         L           1-Jan-1893        Crawford       John         T
Moore          Minsey                    20-Mar-1892       Mcdade         Zack
Moore          Agnes                     21-Dec-1890       Copeland       A            A
Moore          Mary          E           21-Jan-1847       Webb           Alfred
Moore          Mary          Jane        22-Nov-1860       Brooks         J            M
Moore          M             A           22-Nov-1866       Cruse          William      L
Moore          Lizzie                    22-Sep-1870       Newton         Levi
Moore          S             F           23-Jan-1873       Barefield      Wesley       J
Moore          Ann           E           23-Jul-1868       Beavers        Francis      M
Moore          Josephine                 24-Oct-1867       Huggins        Jeptha       A
Moore          Ophelia                   25-Dec-1892       Braswell       R            L
Moore          Fannie                    26-Jul-1889       Manley         A            J
Moore          Lela          E           27-Dec-1899       Cooper         James        P
Moore          Allison       M           29-Dec-1895       Hindsman       Sallie       Arvilla
Moore          Lizzie                    2-May-1894        Hines          W            A
Moore          Mary          Frances     3-Nov-1887        Norton         William
Moore          Sarah         Ann         4-Jun-1864        Summerlin      Wiley
Moore          Sarah         S           5-Aug-1874        Smith          William
Moore          Elizabeth                 5-Jul-1856        Dunn           Johnson
Moore          Lizzie                    5-Oct-1896        Melson         A            W
Moore          Lizzie                    6-Jan-1887        Hood           J            C
Moore          Tommie                    6-Jan-1889        Moore          Hardy
Moore          Minnie                    6-Nov-1895        Lythgoe        Frank        H
Moore          Evalina                   7-Dec-1898        Hyde           W            H
Moore          Mary          Ann F       7-Oct-1852        Webb           John         W
Moore          W             H           9-Dec-1883        Reynolds       M            E
Moore          Susan         C           9-Jan-1890        Houston        N            B
Moore          Etta          O           9-Sep-1893        Bingham        J            R
Moote          Delila                    26-Oct-1845       Adams          James
Moreland       Susan                     10-Feb-1871       Beaman         Henry
Moreland       Mary          P           10-Feb-1881       Owensby        John         M
Moreland       Itura         R           19-Aug-1885       Colley         James        W
Moreland       Penelope      E           19-Oct-1851       Barnett        William      S
Moreland       Jennie                    26-Jun-1873       Jones          Otis
Moreland       Jennie        D Mrs       31-Mar-1891       Arnold         W            J
Moreland       Fannie        E           8-Jan-1880        Arnold         Glenn
Morgan         Sarah                     11-Dec-1866       Lively         William      Robert
Morgan         Sarah                     11-Feb-1856       Barbour        Charles      L
Morgan         Emily         C           11-Sep-1864       Entrikin       John         M
Morgan         J             C           13-Jan-1876       Drake          S            R
Morgan         Annie         Beatrice    15-Dec-1897       Addy           Richard      H
Morgan         Nancy         G           15-Sep-1885       Addy           W            A
Morgan         Ethel                     16-Sep-1895       Mccullough     William
Morgan         E             W           17-Dec-1876       Wester         R            M
Morgan         Mary                      17-Oct-1854       Morgan         Thomas
Morgan         Irene         E           18-Dec-1851       Carter         Joseph
Morgan         Catherine                 19-Jan-1833       Morgan         Mark
Morgan         Carrie                    21-Jul-1889       Oneal          G            F
Morgan         M             A           23-May-1889       Walker         W            W C C
Morgan         Elizabeth                 23-Sep-1829       Shaw           Daniel
Morgan         H             C           24-Dec-1863       Brawner        A            G
Morgan         Elvira                    26-Nov-1868       Drake          J            C
Morgan         Ophelia                   27-Aug-1893       Mccullough     Giles
Morgan         Mattie                    27-Jun-1889       Caldwell       Morgan
Morgan         Mollie                    28-Aug-1879       Johnson        Newton       C
Morgan         Martha        E           29-Oct-1854       Long           George       D
Morgan         Marth         A           2-Jan-1866        Sewell         Levi         T
Morgan         Mary          L           2-Oct-1851        Caldwell       James        R
Morgan         Nancy         J           30-Dec-1873       Cranford       James        C
Morgan         Fannie                    31-Mar-1873       Rodgers        North
Morgan         Hannah        R           3-Oct-1865        Sewell         John         A
Morgan         Elizabeth     E           4-Jan-1881        Brooks         J            R
Morgan         Tabitha                   5-Jan-1837        Drake          Isaac        T
Morgan         Ruth          Ann         6-Jan-1858        Caldwell       John         D
Morgan         Mary          C           6-Mar-1862        Sewell         George       W
Morgan         Lucinda                   6-Nov-1849        Harlan         Sebastian
Morgan         Nancy                     6-Nov-1851        Drake          William
Morgan         Mary                      7-Jan-1848        Bowers         Giles
Morris         Savannah      A           11-Jul-1867       Cook           John         H
Morris         Rena                      21-Nov-1886       Dyer           Henry
Morris         Annie                     21-Oct-1866       Sewell         M            H
Morris         M             E           26-Sep-1874       Hindsman       M            S
Morris         Anna          E           27-Dec-1876       Braswell       W            D
Morris         Elizabeth                 28-Oct-1888       Washington     Rufus        R
Morris         Mary          C           3-Oct-1865        Powell         Daniel       P
Morris         Sarah         B           6-Feb-1838        Holmes         Richmond
Morris         Susie                     7-Jul-1892        Ayers          Eugene
Morris         Martha        F           9-Jan-1870        Lipham         Jackson
Morrow         Malinda                   1-May-1836        Dismukes       John
Morrow         Valerin                   28-Nov-1892       Brooks         Lee          J
Morrow         Mary          E           3-Nov-1889        Chanlder       Clark        E
Morse          Emily                     25-Nov-1874       Odom           Daniel
Morton         Catharine     Mrs         1-Dec-1867        Stevenson      James        L
Morton         Fannie                    21-Jan-1878       Adams          Pleasant     C
Moseley        Nannie        F           13-Oct-1874       Duke           Hardy        Z
Moseley        Sarah         Ann         14-Apr-1842       Wootten        Richard      Allen
Moseley        Sarah         M           25-Dec-1844       Richard        William      B
Moseley        Arabella                  2-Oct-1866        Palmer         E            C
Mosely         Emila         E           6-Jan-1856        Reese          John         P
Moses          Elizabeth                 23-Mar-1844       Bridges        Thomas       F
Moses          C             N           26-Oct-1887       Ham            V            A
Moses          Alice         E           4-Dec-1879        Jones          Amaziah      S
Moses          Mary          E           5-Feb-1857        Logan          John         B F
Moses          Amanda                    8-Jan-1851        Entrikin       David
Moss           Carrie                    2-May-1877        Odam           John         A
Mottox         Emily         F           9-Mar-1845        Johnson        Allen
Mullins        Cemantha                  28-Jan-1874       Northcutt      John         M
Mullins        Olive                     30-Apr-1848       Smith          Thomas
Mullins        Mariah        Ellenor     4-Nov-1886        Newman         Ben          Hill
Munroe         Shelly        Lane        23-Jul-1993       Ivey           Jerry        Curtis
Murphy         Sallie                    11-Feb-1877       Jones          Henry        C
Murphy         Ella                      11-Oct-1891       West           John         J
Murphy         Rachael                   14-Jun-1872       Coker          James
Murphy         Rosetta                   15-Jun-1872       Russel         George       E
Murphy         Nancy                     16-Feb-1841       Wilkinson      Shadrack
Murphy         Harriet                   21-Jul-1831       Wilkinson      Barnabas
Murphy         Ida                       25-Oct-1891       Moore          James        H
Murphy         Orrie                     27-Feb-1894       Hughie         C            T
Murphy         Frances                   3-May-1835        Tarler         Nathaniel
Murphy         Mary          Sarah       9-Aug-1874        Murphy         William
Murry          Lucy                      10-Jan-1878       Nall           Richard
Musick         Pamela        Lee         15-May-1993       Quick          Billy        Joe
Musick         Lou                       16-Sep-1897       Allen          Raymond
Musick         Elizabeth                 5-Mar-1837        Gray           Eli

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