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This is part of a complete list of American military casualties in Vietnam, released by the defense department and dated from June 30, 1961, thru July 26, 1965. To see the remainder of the list go to the index. Below the service man's name is the next of kin and address listed by the service man when he entered the Vietnam theater. The address given could be that of a camp where the next of kin lived, the service man's home town, of the home town of the next of kin. The Defense Department report lists of deaths resulting from action by hostile forces, deaths not resulting from action by hostile forces, persons missing due to hostile action, persons missing not due to hostile action, and persons detained in Vietnam, for all four military branches.

Missing In Action:
Part 1 - Part 2

Resulting from Actions Taken By Enemy Forces:
A-G - H-M - N-T - U-Z
NOT Resulting from Actions Taken By Enemy Forces:
A-J - K-Z

AIRFORCE (1) - AIRFORCE (2) - MARINES (1) - MARINES (2) - NAVY (1) - NAVY (2)

Name, Rank, Date of Death, Next of Kin, Relationship, Address

Nelson, Donald L. Sp/5 May 5, 1964, Mrs. Jessie H. Nelson, wife, 
  1565 Richmond rd., Smiths Creek, Mich.

Nesmith, Newman R. Pfc. Dec. 12, 1963, Mark N. Nesmith, father,
  Statesboro, Ga.

O'Keefe, Ronald T. Sp/4 Nov. 1, 1964, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin F. O'Keefe,
  parents, Box 542, Winnebago, Minn.

Oliver, Gilbert Sp 4 April 19, 1965, Mr. and Mrs. Alejo Oliver,
  parents, P. O. B. 148, Kurtistown, Hawaii.

Olson, Grover K. Pfc. Jan. 17, 1964, Ole K. Olson, father, 1379
  Jenkins av., Grants Pass, Ore.

Osborn, Jerry W. Pfc. April 1, 1965, Mr. Burton Osborn, father,
  Winchester, O.

Osborn, William C. Capt. May 5, 1964, Mrs. Sherry A. Osborn, wife,
  4331/2 Oak st., Tipton, Ind.

O'Sullivan, Christopher Capt. May 30, 1965, Mrs. Eleanor P.
  O'Sullivan, 20-20 27th st., Astoria, Long Island, N. Y.

Owens, Fred M. Sfc. June 10, 1965, Mrs. Laverna W. Owens, wife,
  Oklahoma City.

Paliskis, Eugene M. S/Sgt. Nov. 16, 1964, Mrs. Marjorie G. Paliskis,
  wife, 2118 Cowan dr., Fayetteville, N. C.

Panula, Reino A. S/Sgt. Dec. 30, 1964, Donna R. Panula, daughter,
  337 North Main, Columbia City, Ind.

Parker, Alvin G. Pfc. Feb. 7, 1965, Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Parker,
  parents, 1105 N. 6th st., Nashville.

Parker, Joseph E. Jr. Maj. June 30, 1965, Mrs. Patricia K. Parker,
  wife, 10527 Rainier av., Tacoma, Wash.

Patience, William R. Sfc. Aug. 21, 1964, Mrs. Michiko S. Patience,
  wife, 24 Komyamachi Maebashi, Gunnaken, Japan.

Patterson, Earl A. S/Sgt. Dec. 13, 1964, Mrs. Marion M. Patterson,
  wife, Star Rte. 2, Tionesta, Pa.

Payne, Lloyd A. Capt. Dec. 15, 1963, Mrs. Jane B. Payne, wife, 800
  Morris rd., Columbus, Ga.

Peters, Lynn W. Sp/5 May 25, 1965, Mrs. Mary A. Peters, wife, 1138
  Colonial av., Alexandria, Va.

Phillips, Stephen H. Sgt. July 18, 1965, Mrs. Neoma Phillips, wife,
  Springfield, Mo.

Pitsenbarger, Dennis S. Pfc. June 29, 1965, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R.
  Pitsenbarger, parents, Doe Hill, Va.

Pizzi, Charles D. Pfc. June 9, 1965, Mrs. Roselee Pizzi, wife, 8
  Walnut pkwy, Montclair, N. J.

Pomeroy, Dean A. CWO May 30, 1964, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Pomeroy,
  parents, 4459 Lakewood blvd., Long Beach, Cal.

Porter, Franklin D. Sgt. Dec. 30, 1964, Mrs. Linda K. Porter, wife,
  114 Woodland av., Columbiana, O.

Purser, James L. CWO June 19, 1965, Mrs. Geraldine L. Purser, wife,
  4 Lacy lane, Clarksville, Tenn.

Pyle, Jesse A. Sp 5 Feb. 7, 1965, Mrs. Judy S. Pyle, wife, 3118 Lake
  dr., Marina, Cal.

Ragin, William D. H. Capt. Aug. 20, 1964, Mrs. Mary Ragin, wife, 146
  Engineer lane, Fort Monroe, Va.

Ragsdale, Robert L. 2d Lt. June 26, 1964, Mrs. Patricia Ann Ragsdale,
  wife, 539 Hot Wells blvd., San Antonio.

Ray, Durward F. S/Sgt. July 7, 1965, Mrs. Marjorie E. Ray, wife, 1200
  7th st., Paletto, Cal.

Ray, James F. Capt. Jan. 9, 1965, Mrs. Charlotte R. Ray, wife, 1413
  Belmont, Tyler, Tex.

Reach, William T. 1st Lt. Jan. 9, 1965, Mrs. Rosemary B. Reach, wife,
  461 E. 187th st., Bronx, N. Y.

Redmond, Ralph G. 1st Lt. June 4, 1964, Mrs. Willette L. Redmond,
  wife, 1122 Lawrence st., Topeka, Kas.

Reid, William A. Sp/5 Feb. 16, 1964, William A. Reid, father, 12836
  Bloomfield st., North Hollywood, Cal.

Reilly, Robert J. Capt. Oct. 11, 1964, Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Reilly,
  parents, 534 Broadway, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y.

Rice, Johnnie E. Jr. Pfc. July 7, 1965, Mrs. Bernice Rice, mother,
  Freeburn, Ky.

Rickard, Walter L. Pfc. Feb. 10, 1965, Mrs. Doren K. Rickard, wife,
  Route 1, Box 478, Kahana Naui, Hawaii.

Riggins, Gary R. Capt. Oct. 7, 1964, Mrs. Christine Riggins, wife,
  4413 Belle dr., Antioch, Cal.

Robbins, Hugh M. M/Sgt. June 1, 1965, Mrs. Alta A. Robbins, wife,
  2223 Pollard av., Lawton, Okla.

Robinson, Gordon L. M/Sgt. Nov. 24, 1964, Mrs. Carrie E. Robinson,
  wife, 2413 S. 6th st., Austin, Tex.

Rose, Gerald B. Sp 5 Feb. 22, 1965, Mrs. Claire F. Rose, wife, 305
  Rodie av., Fayetteville, N. C.

Rothenbuhler, Lynn H. 2nd Lt. Dec. 28, 1963, Mrs. Sharon A.
  Rothenbuhler, wife, 11400 U. S. 27, South Crest Trailer park, Fort
  Wayne, Ind.

Rowley, Harry E. Sp 5 Feb. 10, 1965, Mrs. Eliza A. Rowley, wife,
  Route 4, Box 133, Graceville, Fla.

Rupcic, Raymond E. 1st Lt. April 6, 1965, Mrs. Patricia S. Rupcic,
  3886 Gary av., Lorain, O.

Russell, Bobby Sfc. June 10, 1965, Mrs. Janice B. Russell, 1901
  Seabrook rd., Apt. 3, Fayetteville, N. C.

Saegaert, Donald R. WO June 10, 1965, Mrs. Betty J. Saegaert, wife,
  New Albany, Ind.

Samaniego, Roberto Capt. June 19, 1965, Mrs. Nancy R. Samaniego,
  wife, c/o Capt. Harry H. Stephenson [ret'd], 1606 NW 6th av.,
  Mineral Wells, TX

Sanford, Jack W. Capt. June 16, 1965, Mrs. Rosalie J. Sanford, wife,
  30 Hoang Hoa Than, Saigon, Viet Nam.

Schultz, Ernest M. III Sp/5 Feb. 10, 1965, Mrs. Brigitte Schultz,
  wife, 12510 Warwick blvd, Newport News, Va.

Self, Irving A. Sgt. May 19, 1964, Mrs. Linda J. Self, wife, 332
  Branch st., Sacramento, Cal.

Semmer, Peter A. Pfc. Feb. 11, 1965, Mrs. Faith S. Semmer, mother,
  205 Bernett, Long Beach, Cal.

Shannon, Kenneth A. 1st Lt. March 15, 1964, Mrs. Ginger C. Shannon,
  wife, 3400 Skyview pl., Lynchburg, Va.

Shaw, John D. Pvt. July 7, 1965, Mrs. Elizabeth Jones, mother, Route
  2, Box 12, Summit, Miss.

Shelton, Arthur A. Pfc. Dec. 8, 1964, Mr. and Mrs. Eldred A. Shelton,
  parents, Loyalton, Cal.

Sheriff, James C. Jr. Capt. July 4, 1965, Mrs. Janice L. Sheriff,
  wife, 1265 S. Dixon dr., Columbus, Ga.

Sickler, Harry J. Sp/4 Nov. 1, 1964, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Sickler,
  parents, Lanesville, N. Y.

Siegrist, William L. M Sgt. Dec. 30, 1964, Mrs. Marion F. Siegrist,
  wife, Stumpy Point, N. C.

Sigg, John C. Capt. May 28, 1965, Lavelle B. Sigg, father, 85 Osborne
  st., Johnstown, Pa.

Simmons, Wayne C. Sp/5 April 1, 1965, Mr. Carl Simmons, father, 748
  Grayson dr., Springfield, Mass.

Simon, Robert L. Sp 4 Feb. 10, 1965, Mrs. Lillian S. Simon, wife,
  331 Baker, Pineville, La.

Skinner, Brian K. 1st Lt. Dec. 9, 1964, Mrs. Charleen M. Skinner,
  wife, 1615 S. Ginger ct., Denver.

Smith, Donald E. Sfc. Nov. 13, 1964, Mrs. Grace Smith, wife, 80 N.
  600 East, Bountiful, Utah.

Smith, Eddie L. S/Sgt. Oct. 4, 1964, Mrs. Bernice Grant, sister, 5185
  2d Cates av., St. Louis.

Smith, Herbert Jr. S Sgt. July 8, 1965, Mrs. Janet I. Smith, wife,
  1718 Palmetto av., Columbus, Ga.

Smith, Paul R. 1st Lt. July 6, 1963, Mrs. Frances Z. Smith, wife,
  c/o Paul Y. Smith, 2603 N. 102d av., Omaha.

Sparks, Charles P. Pfc. Oct. 24, 1964, Mrs. Wilma M. Roseberry,
  mother, Shelby, Mont.

Spiker, Patrick Jr. S/Sgt. July 15, 1965, Mrs. Geraldine W. Spiker,
  wife, Yakima, Wash.

Spruill, James P. Capt. April 21, 1964, Mrs. Barbara Ann Spruill,
  wife, Pomona Country club, 89 Ponora rd., Suffern, N. Y.

Starley, James A. Sfc. Feb. 22, 1965, Mrs. Anne L. Starley, wife, 120
  Marcus st., Dublin, Ga.

Steele, Gary L. 1st Lt. April 19, 1965, Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Steele,
  parents, Bliss, Idaho.

Stepanov, Robert D. Sp 4 July 5, 1965, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stepanov,
  parents, 1514 Pilgram st., Akron.

Stone, Byron C. Capt. Aug. 20, 1964, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Stone,
  parents, 208 S. Georgia, Mobile, Ala.

Stone, Lewis L. 1st Lt. Jan. 11, 1963, Mrs. Anne L. Stone, wife, 25
  Fairglen dr., Alexandria, Va.

Stoneburner, John F. Maj. Dec. 9, 1964, Mrs. Barbara Stoneburner,
  wife, 3310 45th st., Sandia Base, N. M.

Straley, John L. Pfc. Jan. 18, 1964, Mrs. Betty A. Straley, wife,
  1012 37th st., Beaver Falls, Pa.

Stroka, Richard M. Capt. July 13, 1964, Mrs. Mary F. Stroka, wife,
  207 Harrison st., Pueblo, Colo.

Strong, Harold E. Jr. Sfc. Jan. 23, 1965, Mrs. Rita Strong, wife,
  903 Dartmouth dr., Alexandria, Va.

Summers, Harry L. Sp/4 Feb. 10, 1965, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac H. Summers,
  parents, Box 670, Marion, Va.

Swaykos, William E. Sp/4 Jan. 23, 1965, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Swaykos,
  parents, 387 Berkeley av., Bloomfiled, N. J.

Talley, James L. Sp 4 June 20, 1965, Mrs. Della L. Pace, mother, 827
  E. 6th av., Mesa, Ariz.

Taylor, Donald R. Pfc. Feb. 9, 1964, Robert J. Taylor, father, 3755
  Montour st., Harrisburg, Pa.

Tencza, Anthony J. Col. July 15, 1962, Mrs. Pauline Z. Tencza, wife,
  541 Cornell rd., Fairfax, Va.

Thomas, Dale D. Capt. July 30, 1964, Margaret S. Thomas, wife, 1038
  Legion Park rd., Greenburg, Ky.

Thomas, Murrel D. S Sgt. May 22, 1965, Mrs. Katherine P. Thomas,
  wife, 324 Jefferson Dr., Fayetteville, N. C.

Thompson, David Sfc. Jan. 27, 1964, Mrs. Bernice C. Thompson, mother,
  150 Rose st., Lumberton, N. C.

Thorne, Joseph L. 1st Lt. April 19, 1965, Mrs. Diane L. Thorne, wife,
  2028 Elmwood dr., Brookings, S. D.

Thornton, Frank Jr. Sp/5 May 5, 1964, Mrs. Catherine T. Thornton,
  wife, 2908 Doyle av., Columbus, Ga.

Thruston, Robert R. WO Dec. 18, 1964, Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Thruston
  Jr., parents, Route 1, Box 163, Fairfax, Va.

Torres-Rivera, Rafael Sgt. April 6, 1965, Mrs. Evangeline 
  Rivera-Rivera, mother, 212 Calle-San Jose, Hato Rey, Puerto Rico.

Toth, Donald B. Capt. Jan. 11, 1963, Duane Toth, brother, 234 B. st.,
  Pen Argyle, Pa.

Toth, William C. Pfc. Oct. 27, 1964, Mrs. Helen S. Toth, mother, 605
  Hidden lane, Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich.

Tower, Herman Capt. Oct. 22, 1964, Mrs. Frances E. Tower, wife, P.O. 
  B. 208, Georgetown, S. C.

Townsend, Chester D. Sfc. Dec. 1, 1963, Mrs. Carrie A. Townsend,
  wife, 170 Lawson dr., Fort Bragg, N. C.

Train, William F., III 1st Lt. June 16, 1962, Maj. Gen. William F.
  Train Jr., father, 018415, Army War college, Carlisle barracks,
  Carlisle, Pa.

Triplett, Johnny R. Sp/4 July 20, 1965, Mr. and Mrs. Raeford L.
  Tripett, parents, North Charleston, N. C.

Tucker, Charles G. 1st Lt. April 6, 1965, Mrs. Pamela H. Tucker,
  wife, 303 Oak st., Shelbyville, Tenn.


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