St. Mary's High School
Niagara Falls, Niagara County, New York
"Sancta Maria"
1937 Yearbook

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Page 34 Father Killeen
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Sancta Maria - 1937 yearbook for St. Mary's High School
ROBERT BUCHER McSWEENY 'Bob'. Sodality (1-2-3-4), Vice-Prefect (4); C. S. M. C. (1-2-3), Consulter (3); Football (1.2); Dramatics (1-2-3-4); Glee Club (2-3); Assistant Basketball Manager (2-3); Debating Club (3-4); Class Night Toastmaster (3); Latin Club (3); Basketball Manager (4); French Club (4), President. Bob might easily be classed as the masculine leader among the seniors of 1937. His interests are varied and well-chosen. He is always the first to voice his firm opinions, first to offer suggestions, first to cooperate, first to lend his hand when there is work to be done, and by doing so has gained prominence in school activities. Here's hoping you will always be first in the hearts of your friends, Bob, as you have always been at St. Mary's. MARY JANE MORRISON "Mary" Sodality (1-2-3-4); Glee Club (1-2-3); C. S. M. C. (1-2-3); Dramatics (2). In every class of people there is always one who moves along in an unstudied way, one who is mild-tempered and generous. Mary Jane is just this one. She makes no obvious efforts to draw others to her, yet she has built up a group of friends that is far from small. She has been kind in a quiet, sincere manner that will be a loss to school chums. May you always think of us as pleasantly as we do you, Mary Jane. JOHN FRANCIS NOLAN "Johnny" Sodality (1-2-3-4); Glee Club (1-2-3-4); Inter- class Basketball (1-4); Debating Club (3-4), Advisor (4); Football (3-4); Dramatics (3-4); Latin Club (3-4); French Club (4); Library Club (4); Class Treasurer (3-4); Senior Ball Committee (4), Orchestra. This little fat boy who came to St. Mary's from LaSalle four years ago has been a real pal to all of us. His witty sayings have made us all giggle at one time or other. In his senior year John suddenly grew up and became one of our most socially prominent young men. John's future lies in chemistry, a field which we are sure will welcome him with open arms, because of his industrious nature. We are sorry to see you go, John. 24

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